
Fear in Haiti - Provide Food

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Lunch keeps them in School 

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January 12, 2010 is a day that will long live in the minds and hearts of the Haiti people. That day, late in the afternoon, time stopped for so many people. The earth shook and the man made structures collapsed all over the capital and the surrounding areas. In addition to the human toll, schools and church buildings also collapsed. Star of Hope donors from around the world rushed to help. In the communities where we work, the new school buildings began to take shape from the rubble. Stronger and better built, today these buildings shine as an example of what can be done when donors desire to help.

See the slide show showing the process

In the communities of Rigaud and Hesse, our partner's church buildings were also destroyed. In both communities the Pastors and people were adamant, the school first, because their children need education. And so it was. Donors, through Star of Hope, provided new buildings and repaired the ones that could be salvaged. During this time together we prayed that God would provide in His timing and in His way to meet the need of a place for the church to gather. On December 1, 2013 the people of Rigaud will meet to dedicate a beautiful church campus made possible by a donor in central Kansas. Pastor Samson wrote me and his broken English words express it all.-

"Dear Barry, when I look at the construction of the church of God, Rigaud I send out a glad cry to the Lord and tears of joy flowing in my eyes and I remember what you told me God will provide. Since the beginning of my ministry we were living in misery and poverty our neighborhood was devoid of any. I do not need you how much suffering we know. After the destruction of the temple by the earthquake I could not think of a beautiful building, but God will provide. Words fail me today to say thank you and to say thank you to the Star of Hope. Thank you to the donor and his family. The reconstruction of the church of Rigaud brings joy we never had before and this expression of joy is on the face of the people is extraordinary.
I wanted to wait for the inauguration present you my thanks, but in front of this great thing I am not able to keep my emotions I am speaking from my heart"
Celebrate with us as this new tool for ministry is dedicated on Sunday Dec 1, 2013.

Barry Borror
President & CEO

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Because of people like you, more than 20,000 children receive education and care through Star of Hope.


Trusted for over 50 years to "make the right change happen".


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