
Fear in Haiti - Provide Food

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We have developed a new campaign for integration into the Church and community... we call it ”Skip it to Give it”. We will be talking a lot about this in the next few months because we want you to get your groups involved and #skipittogiveit.


The campaign helps develop Christian characteristics in our youth while also helping to give a hand up to our brothers and sisters in Haiti, the poorest country in this hemisphere. Visiting Haiti is quite difficult for me on a personal level and I cannot seem to get away from the thought that it is in the western hemisphere, so close to the USA, it should not be like this. In Haiti, due to repeating disasters; I have seen people who have lost everything they own several times over! Restarting their lives is a normal part of their life. I believe we need to help them with a hand up not a hand out. We need to help them there in their community and home. We can be that hand up, it’s so easy. 


The “Skip it to Give it” campaign can literally change the lives of people in Haiti, just by applying a few simple steps to your everyday living. Imagine thinking about others before buying that Starbucks coffee, or that half dozen Dunkin Donuts, and taking those few dollars and giving them to help feed the hungry in Haiti?

As far as how this will spiritually grow you and your church, just visit the campaign page www.starofhope.us/skip and look at the “how it works” video. This campaign is one way to help the lights of the needy to not be extinguished and help our lives honor God and shine light a little brighter in a dark world.

As far as how this will help Haiti, share this mail with your church, people of leadership in your community and share it with your own family. The possible groups to participate is endless...the NHS at your local high school, your business office, Boy/Girl Scouts, 4-H, community service groups, or motorcycle club. A movement can begin with one person sharing about this campaign and thus catalyzing others to respond to the need. Just imagine a whole community of people remembering the need before they spend the green and being a living example of “Skip it to Give it” to others! Wow!

Our friend Pastor Jonathan explains it so well in this video, 


Join us, help change a life, be the change, go here: www.starofhope.us/skip

or call us 866 653 0321
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