
Fear in Haiti - Provide Food

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In This Newsletter:
• Christmas Gift Catalog
• Bible Class Starts in Romania
• Encourage Your Sponsor Child        
• Planning Year End Giving?
• Haiti Church Dedication

The 2013 Christmas Giving Catalog is in the Mail and online.
Ever thought about a gift that can change the world? It seems that every time I think of giving a gift, picking something that the recipient needs seems impossible. Here in the USA and Canada we are a blessed people. Few of us really are in need when we compare ourselves to the people living in places like Haiti, Romania or Argentina. Our needs seem to be very self-centered when we realize that a child in Haiti needs food or school supplies and has no idea how that need will be met.

Here is a way you can meet that need and give a gift in someone's name that will be remembered. Check out our 2013 Christmas Giving Catalog.
Want to know more? Check out our Shop

Bible Class Begins in Romania
Our staff in Romania was bubbling with excitement when they sent word that they have started the second Bible Classes. This one has eleven in attendance and is Iasi, Romania. Pray for these dear people as they hunger to know more of God. This class joins the group in Dorohoi who have had their classes ongoing for some time.
More information available: Read it here

Encourage Your Sponsor Child
Perhaps even more important than your donation making it possible for a child to go to school, is the encouragement your sponsorship brings to the child. Just the knowledge your child has that they have a sponsor is an encouragement. But just think what a note from you would do to encourage your child to dream dreams and work hard to be successful! Maybe this year is the year to send a Christmas card or greeting. If you don't have the information that was provided on how to write to your child, just contact us we will be happy to provide it.

If you are planning on sending in some additional amount to provide something for you child this Christmas, it's not too late. Just include the extra amount with your sponsorship gift and let us know that it is for Christmas. For those who have set up the automatic withdrawal, you may go to our web site, click on donate now and just make sure to write in the comment box that this is for Christmas for your sponsor child.

Year End Donation Planning
Many people look to the end of the year as a time for planned giving. Please keep Star of Hope in mind as you make those plans. Our auditors have made available a tax planning guide that might be useful.
Read the guide here: Read More

Haiti Church Dedication
Construction is complete and the people are so excited to dedicate their new facility to serving God. Sunday December 1, 2013 the congregation will dedicate the faculty and celebrate God's provision.
Check out the new facility and how it came to be.

Become a Sponsor right now, click here.


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Did you know that...

18 landerYour generosity expands Star of Hope's reach to 15 countries worldwide. Thanks to you, we're making a global impact.

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Because of people like you, more than 20,000 children receive education and care through Star of Hope.


Trusted for over 50 years to "make the right change happen".


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