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Three years after the quake in Haiti


It will be 3 years this week end since the terrible earthquake hit Haiti. Life goes on but the after effects of this particular day still live in each Haitian either when the lost of a relative or close friend occurs or on the approach of this unforgettable date. The pain and sorrow became double because you are crying and mourning at the same time those that were lost in mass during the earthquake and who haven't have proper funerals.

But where is the Haitian people after 3 years of the earthquake with more 1.500.000 people living in tents, 38 government buildings collapsed, hospitals, private houses, private businesses, infrastructures, all destroyed in few seconds adding to thousands of injured.

It's sad to say that globally Haitians don't feel any progress. The first year after should of be the cleanup of collapsed building and of rubber, while the 2nd year we should of start with the reconstruction of Haiti and as well moving back those living in the tents in family home either rent or built by the government. We have had a lot of resources available and money donated to the Haitian government to wake up from the earthquake nightmare, but still no major progress as 400 000 people are still living in tents and the government just launching with the reconstruction of some government buildings.

But among all the Non Governmental Organizations supporting Haiti who had made the promises to help in the rebuilding of this nation, what is Star of Hope accomplishment so far.

After a full year of psycho recovery program from many mission teams visits, doctors and nurses to help our children and teachers throughout our school projects in Haiti, SOH had entered with the reconstructions of 5 school buildings projects and 1 church creating job in the communities of Dano, Jeanton, Boyer, Hesse and Rigaud. This action has at the same contributed in the rebuild of construction companies and construction materials businesses throughout the country. The Haitians carpenters had made the roofing of all schools and also new benches for all 5 new schools that are inaugurated since March 2012.

SOH rebuilding package for Haiti was not only geared to physical school buildings but also reinforcing the environment and people living in the communities. While SOH electrified all school buildings with solar panels, SOH also works to reinforce the environment by providing stoves with propane gas for all 5 schools to keep a green environment by avoiding the use of charcoal to cook daily meals for 3050 children and 213 teachers and school aids. Since the first year of the earthquake, SOH had donated more than 900 goats and 800 of chickens to families living in our working communities to reinforce their livestock already disappeared by previous hurricanes. SOH had also started with a professional Sewing program putting already 57 women and 5 men on the market business of sewing inside their communities. Meanwhile, our 81 teachers weren't put aside of the reconstruction package, as of today 54 primary teachers are attending another week of teachers seminar held by Tipa Tipa (Step by Step) while 24 preschool teachers had buckled the program by the same trainers.

Star of Hope had started the construction of a 6th school building in the community of Bois Negresse by achieving the preschool compound and looking forward for more donation to start with the primary level compound. During the Christmas break, SOH had also started with the reconstruction of a new preschool building for the children of Marigot which community was severely affected by hurricanes Isaac and Sandy.

Star of Hope's reconstruction package for Haiti is not totally executed as of today we are still looking for funds and partners to help in the constructions of these school building playgrounds, to rebuild 4 churches that we collapsed or severely damaged by the earthquake, more professional school program and the maintenance of these beautiful schools and to keep a good sanitation system around our 3050 children.

You can judge where Star of Hope is in helping the Haitian people to get on track after the earthquake. But everything that we have been doing so far is possible because you have contributed and believed that together we can make a change.

tony and myrtha star of hope managers haiti

Tony and Myrtha in Haiti


Jeanton, Haiti  present day


Myrtha Dor


Star of Hope, Haiti


Older stories below

Haiti Christmas Tradition 2012, original text by Myrtha dor.

In the country sides where Star of Hope is supporting 7 school projects, people don't have the revenue to embrace the Christmas mood as in the cities with toys for the kids, Christmas trees, decoration and luxurious gift. But the mood to celebrate something wonderful is among them as they feel it through the beauty of the nature and especially through their citrus tree that is always next to their house making that original beauty used as their Christmas tree decorated with fruits.

In general, it's the wish of all parents in Haiti to give their child a gift at Christmas and it's the only time they will combine all effort to meet that necessity by gifting their children and themselves a new clothe and a pair of shoes if they can push it through which is a must to assist at the service for Christmas Eve to celebrate the birth of Jesus. While some parents will make some cleaning by giving their house a new coat of painting, the priority for everyone is to share for Christmas.


On Christmas Eve, all parents and children attended church together to welcome the birth of Jesus Christ and to thank God for all their happiness and to expose to him their wishes for the next year. It's the period to share and to eat together by being able with their small savings to bring their best Haitian meal on the table for Christmas which is "Chicken in Creole sauce with rice and beans". Parents and children are happy and blend in the Christmas mood by sharing their Christmas meal with their neighbors and relatives. By doing so, they are sure that no one stays hungry on that special and beautiful day. And together; children, parents and neighbors in the community can tell to each other "Merry Christmas" which is a traditional Haitian Christmas.

For some years, Star of Hope had garnished Christmas in our school projects by stepping in and gifted a toy to all children from preschool to 2nd grade with the wishes to cover all children gradually. Even we can't cover all 3050 children, Star of Hope always make sure to give the mean to each project to organize aside of the toys distribution a Christmas party that children, teachers and parents always remember.


Please click on your project in left column for a special update.

Thank you!



Report from summer 2012

We want to thank everyone once again for your continued support specially for children's education. We have been able to provide during this school year;  books, school supplies, uniforms, cooking and feeding supplies,  food and school staff salary's in all schools.In the summer of 2012 we have completed school buildings in six communities and repairs to the Grace International Girls Home (Haiti Love and Faith Girls Home.One of 6 New School Buildings

In addition to the educational activities ,many others projects generating income have been taking places in all school projects that SOHH support in Haiti.

Extra gift distribution: For the school year SOH had distributed special Gift money from sponsors to 911 children among 8 school projects. In the poor villages where SOH works. This support seems to always come at the right time to solve the problem of the family, anything ranging from: sickness, buying an animal, set up a small business, pay the family debt, buying new clothes or even to pay the school fees for other brother and sister, and even more.

The Goat distribution is enabling each recipient family to build and reinforce their saving. Star of Hope Haiti has distributed 276 Goats for this school year making it to 836 total children receiving female goats since the program started in 2009. When a child wins a goat, they have to return 1 goat kid to keep the program so we can continue the giving process to touch all children in our school projects.

Pay it Forward Goat Distribution

Water projects: Water has always been an issue in our school projects, SOHH has been able to provide complete drinking water systems in 5 schools.

- A total of 3 water wells in jeanton and boyer have been installed.

- Two rain water catch systems have been implemented in Dano and Hesse.

- 4 water reservoirs have been built in Dano, Hesse, Boyer and Bois negresse.

Beside water system facilities, we provided also products to treat more remote water for drinking.

New Water Well in Haiti

Professional School: In 2010 graduated 31 women and 2 men from the Sewing program in Boyer. This year 28 women and 3 men graduated in Jeanton Sewing program. This program comes to reinforce the economic growth of the seamstress while giving them the skills to a solid learning package within 9 months program to move with the market business.

 Sewing Class in Session, Jeanton, Haiti

Christmas party: Although the funds were limited, SOH is always present in each community to organize Christmas Party's for all children within all our projects and at least give away a gift to the youngest children.

Mothers Day: The mothers, the backbones of the Haitian families, are always honored on Mother's day by a gift package usually containing all the basic need as: sugar, oil, rice, laundry soap, spaghetti, tomato paste, toothpaste, deodorant, peanut butter, a more. SOH wants on that day that no mother should be worried for the basics and to proudly gather the family around the table. This year, SOH was forced to minimise due to budget restraints and kept the rendezvous with only 50 mothers.

Teacher training seminar: All preschool teachers in all the SOHH schools received teaching training with TIPA TIPA to improve capacity and skills. Primary school teachers will receive training during this summer with same trainer.

Gas stove kitchen: In some of our schools we improved the cooking by replacing the traditional charcoal cooking system to gas stoves for better cooking and to fight again deforestation. Gas stove have been installed in Dano, Boyer, Rigaud, Hesse, Jeanton and Carrefour but for lack of fundings Marigot and B.Negresse are still using charcoal for cooking.

Cooking With Propane Instead of Charcoal

School Electrification project: Electrical power is now available 24/7 in some of our schools, it is a combination of a solar panel inverter device and city power that works together to light all class-rooms in some of our schools like Dano, Boyer, Hesse, Jeanton and Rigaud.

Solar Power - A First!

Spiritual Growth: Besides children's education, SOH is also working to see all children spiritually healthy. For this accomplishment, SOH had already started a church construction in Dano where parents and children can gather to confess their faith in God. The study for the coming church construction in Rigaud is ongoing, while we are still searching for funds for the church constructions in Hesse, Boyer, Bois Négresse and Marigot.


Blessings and thanks

Star of Hope Haiti

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