
Fear in Haiti - Provide Food

ikon stjarnfadder activeHelp with Food


Tools can help us grow food. 

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Lunch keeps them in School 

ikon stjarnfadder activeMake a Huge Impact

Sponsorship, support that works

We know from experience that Star of Hope sponsor support works. The vast majority of our children finish primary school and many go on to higher education. For us, it may seem obvious, but for a child whose parents can barely read and write, it is an achievement.

An important element of success is you as a sponsor. As a sponsor, you not only provide material aid, you show with your sponsor gift that you care thus raising children's self-esteem something tremendously.

Through our work we give the children and their parents hope that it is possible to change the seemingly hopeless situations. With your contribution, you help to create sustainable development and saves lives!

Click on the links to the left and read about some former sponsor children who moved on and now live a completely different life than they would have done without sponsor support.

Stories and pictures are available on SharePoint


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Learn about "Skip it to Give it" 

Did you know that...

18 landerYour generosity expands Star of Hope's reach to 15 countries worldwide. Thanks to you, we're making a global impact.

30000 barn

Because of people like you, more than 20,000 children receive education and care through Star of Hope.


Trusted for over 50 years to "make the right change happen".


IRS 501 (c)(3)


Join us in supporting the children by donating. Donate.

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